Mindfulness Coaching

Throughout my own journey I realized how imperative it is to have competent teachers who could assist in deepening and broadening my practice. Particularly when I felt stuck. Having the guidance of someone who has been there saves countless hours of having to reinvent the wheel. Excellent for beginning to intermediate meditators my 1 hour mindfulness coaching sessions can be done in person, over the phone or by Zoom. Contact me at for more information and to set up an appointment.

Having a successful mindful practice involves more than just watching our monkey mind vacillate from one side of the past to the other side of the future, or being able to focus on a candle flame for a time. It is an embodiment practice embracing the totality of our sensory experience. That means what we are seeing, hearing and feeling as well as the quality of how we are breathing. A good practice also doesn’t mean we are continually at peace or feeling good because our humanness encompasses a range of emotional flavors. These can be hard for us to sit with and that makes us want to leap up from our seat and find something else to do, thinking the practice isn’t working or you are not doing it right.

I am an L2 Unified Mindfulness Coach and have been utilizing embodied presence practices since 2014.

Silhouette of a tree between two hills under a starry sky with clouds